25 August 2007

state of the knittles

Hello, gentle readers. This is the first entry of the dedicated knitting blog, and it will be BORING unless you're like me. Stay tuned for project updates and (hopefully) pictures, now that I'm home and have internet on Clementine.

Hooks/Needles current status:
needle holder complete.
  • stitch markers -- find yarn needles and put them in there, too
  • #2 dpn - empty
  • #4 long circ - winecozy
  • #6 short circ - Norwegian hat (who is it for? maybe me or Amy. Do I have a good winter hat? I can't remember.)
  • #8 dpn - klein hat
  • #10 - empty
  • #11 - empty
  • #13 - empty
  • #15 - chenille feathers scarf/shrug
  • H - empty, but used for maroon capelet
  • N - empty, but used for afghan
Current projects (high priority)
  1. Winecozy (M.G.S., roomwarming) (maroon red heart, #4)
  2. klein hat (P.H.M., xmas) (eclipse, #8)
  3. feathers shrug (K.M.G., xmas) (feathers stuff, #15)
  4. Norwegian hat (someone, xmas) (blue n white, #6)
Current projects (low priority)
  • Maroon capelet
  • afghan (these are both crochet, it seems)
Future projects (high priority)
  1. Mac socks (E.K.A. bday) (#2, blue and white sport)
  2. Macbook case (E.K.A., NKYMAS[UYGTR], xmas) (#?, grey from shawl)
  3. Shrug (me) (from tan sweater) (#10/11, cotton and something else maybe for bulk)
  4. other xmas gift items - more wine cozies?
  5. Mac socks (me, same)
Future projects (low priority)
  • Dr. Who scarf (any and all scraps, large-ish needles)
  • something with that camo sport yarn and/or maroonish stuff.
  • cami (#4, #6, tan sweater yarn)
To be frogged
  • grey shawl (very old, never finished, don't want, can use for shrug and/or macbook case)
  • tan sweater (for cami)
  • tan scarf-thing
  • any old sweaters.
I think that's all for now.

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